At least example sentences

A map of the mid-nineteenth century showed at least a hundred such havelis, which were large walled compounds with mansions, courtyards and fountains.There are at least 2,000 minerals that have been named and identified in the earth crust; but almost all the commonly occurring ones are related to six major mineral groups that are known as major rock forming minerals.A company shall create Debenture Redemption Reserve equivalent to at least 50% of the amount of debenture issue before starting the redemption of debenture.American Psychological Association (1973) in their task force constituted with the objective to identify skills essential for professional psychologists recommended at least three sets of skills.We have at least two examples of this perspective in our country, viz.Though Swapna knows that cotton will sell for at least Rs 1,800 per quintal, she doesn't argue further.Every relation has at least one key by default, which is the combination of all its attributes.They contain at least one triple bond between two carbon atoms.The only thing the earth needed was a downpour or at least a shower.It's not much fun, but it does at least cut down on the laundry bills.Can you recall the map of democratic governments in the year 2000 that was included in your textbook? At least one fourth of the globe is still not under democratic government.In 1941, The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) had defined accounting as the art of recording, classifying, and summarising in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are, in part at least, of financial character, and interpreting the results thereof'.If global institutions are not democratic, are they at least becoming more democratic than before? Here too the evidence is not very encouraging.When a trial balance does not tally (that is, the totals of debit and credit columns are not equal), we know that at least one error has occured.Studies indicate that by the age of 6 to 7 years, children seem to have formed selfesteem at least in four areas: academic competence, social competence, physical/ athletic competence, and physical appearance, which become more refined with age.

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